
Yes we are still planning the expedition and working on the Landcruiser…

I know, I know, we never post anything… My goal is to start posting regularly in January, yes I am procrastinating (Lacey would not).  The main reason for this is that things will be coming together at the beginning of the year (cross your fingers, I know mine are).

This is a photo of the truck prior to any work…

samurai fer

I will say that our as of yet unnamed 1987 Toyota Landcruiser FJ60 has had a heart transplant. It is now the proud recipient of a beautiful Toyota 12HT diesel engine. Chris Lynch in Portland, Oregon has done a wonderful job performing the engine swap and some other cool and much needed tidbits.

Kurt Williams from Cruiser Outfitters will be helping us out with some much needed maintenance items. We should be getting a shipment of parts sometime next week and once these items are on the Cruiser we will proceed to take it away from Chris and deliver it to the bumper slider fabrication crew… more on that later.

Let me know what you think or if you want to know more details. We have some videos and review that will be posted early January.


  1. Si pasas por Vzla no dudes en traerte por lo menos, 6 cauchos de repuesto (por los huecos en Ccas) 3 chalecos antibalas, y un seguro de vida!! no vale tampoco tanto!!! lo que si no puede faltar es una ida a la piedrita (limonera) con tu combo!!!! que chevereeee tu pag web quiero una. Suerte y Buen Viaje!!

  2. hey luis,

    veo que estan progresando, estaremos en Terra Nova a finales de juliio y todo el mes de agosto y me encantaran que pasen por alla, tambien si quieren pasar por Toronto son bienvenidos…mcuhos carinos

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